Birthday Slideshow 80th to grandmother Yona

I can’t believe that is going to happen!
This August, my grandmother will celebrate her 80th birthday.
Yes, yes, Grandma Yona the Queen, you will be proud in August 2018 that will come to us.
I started looking for a site for making birthday slideshows in English because she understands a little more of this language and I managed to find some sites some of which I loved more and some of them liked less.


How does this manifest itself you ask?
So, as a slideshow editor for years, I can tell you that there are a lot of talented people in the world who make slideshows for events, especially for birthdays, bar mitzvahs, bat mitzvahs, weddings and other cool events, but there is no doubt that the world of du Itur- So I’m really impressed by the wonders of technology and the advanced editing capabilities these companies offer.


Birthday Slideshow

Birthday Slideshow


Wow real!
One of the most powerful sites I have met recently was the Mitnashu site – a site that specializes in editing videos for exciting, once-in-a-lifetime events.
They make slideshows for birthdays, wedding slideshows , bar mitzvah slideshows, bat mitzvah slideshows and many other cool examples I found on their site.


The New World, not what you knew …
There is no doubt that our world is crazy and Mark Zuckerberg is ready for us every time that in terms of editing capabilities you can conquer any target visually possible and it is amazing to me that it manages to dictate to all of us the tone and even leave dust in the field!
Besides, beyond being a very rich man, he is known for his analytical abilities to identify the local market in Israel (Jew, so what ..) and he does it with his eyes closed with a winning team of one-on-one programmers!
In short, if you want to make a birthday slideshow, contact Mittenshaw, see what they do on their site and have good luck, gentlemen
Birthday slideshow